Fonderie Limone – Small hall | 11 october 2023 h 8.45 pm


Bello! stages an actor and a group of six virtuoso circus artists from a variety of backgrounds. Its aim is to question the relativity of historical forms of beauty. Based on the assumption that ‘The universe is strange, very physical. No numbers, no apparatus, but a constant desire to fly” Francesco Sgrò creates a performance in which acrobats and actors challenge physical and mental conventions related to beauty, transcending stereotypes and their limits in a collective and continuous scenic flow.

directed by Francesco Sgro
cast Britt Timmermans, Mario Kunzi, Tijs Bastiaens, Camille Guichard, Vittorio Catelli, Antonio Panaro, Giacomo Martini
choreography Teresa Noronha Feio
lights Edwin Van Steenbergen and Luca Carbone
music by Pino Basile and Francesco Sgrò
scenes Francesco Fassone With the assistance of Jessica Koba
Costumes Anna Kemp, Agostino Porchietto
Cordata F.O.R \ Fabbrica C

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